Membuat menu drop down list

Dalam konsep blog, setiap posting kita akan terarsip otomatis secara rapi setiap
bulan. Setiap memasuki bulan baru, seperti Januari, maka arsip bulan Desember
akan tampil di sidebar. Masalahnya, kalau kita sudah ngeblog setahun, maka arsip
dari Januari sampai Desember akan berjejer di sidebar kita. Bagaimana kalau dua
dan tiga tahun lagi? Langkah praktis mengatasi hal ini
adalah dengan membuat pull-down menu seperti di bawah ini:

Jadi, berapa bulan/tahun kita blogging di blogger/blogspot, menu bulan-bulan tsb
tidak akan memenuhi dan berjejer panjang di sidebar kita. Yg tampak hanya nama
"Archives", baru setelah di klik, akan muncul nama bulan arsip-arsip kita.

Untuk membuat arsip pulldown ini ada dua yakni untuk blogger dengan template
klasik, dan template baru. Untuk template klasik langkahnya yaitu :

  1. Login ke dg id Anda

  2. Klik Template

  3. Di bagian sidebar blog Anda bagian archives, ada kode html sbb:


    <a href="<$BlogArchiveURL$"$gt;'><$BlogArchiveName$></a>


  4. Nah, ganti kode di atas dg kode html di bawah ini:

    <select name="archivemenu"

    <option selected>- Archives -</option>


    <option value="<$BlogArchiveURL$>"><$BlogArchiveName$></option>



  5. Apabila selesai, klik SAVE CHANGES. Bila sudah DONE, klik REPUBLISH.

  6. Selesai.

Untuk anda yang memakai template baru, langkahnya lebih mudah yaitu :

  1. login dulu, tentunya dengan id anda

  2. klik LAYOUT

  3. Klik PAGE ELEMENTS, cari element (kotak) yang bertuliskan Blog Archive

  4. Klik Edit pada kotak Blog Archive tadi

  5. Di samping tulisan Style ada beberapa radio button, pilih radio button
    yang bertuliskan Dropdown Menu dengan cara memberi tanda tik/cek

  6. Klik Save Changes

  7. Selesai

Nah keterangan di atas tadi merupakan langkah-langkah untuk membuat menu
Dropdown untuk Arsip, Sekarang bagai mana caranya membuat menu dropdown yang di
dalam nya ada linknya, saya ambil contoh untuk menu Dropdown milik saya pribadi
yang berada di sebelah kanan atas yang berisi tulisan “ blog tutorial “. Untuk
membuatnya silahkan anda copy kode HTML di bawah :

<form><select name="menu" onchange="[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')"size=1
name=menu><option value=0 selected>tulisan
disini yang akan muncul duluan

<option value="isi dengan addres yang ingin
di tuju
">tulisan di sini yang akan
</option> </select></form>

Sebagai contoh untuk menu Dropdown milik saya :

<form><select name="menu" onchange="[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank')"size=1

<option>- Blog Tutorial -</option>

<option value="">Membuat

<option value="">setting

<option value="">Memilih

<option value="">warna
& hurup</option>

<option value="">Posting

<option value="">Read
more (1)</option>

<option value="">Text

<option value="">Blogger

<option value="">Yahoo!Emoticons</option>

<option value="">Download

Hasilnya akan seperti ini :

Mudah bukan? Selamat mencoba !

Making a popular blog

When I 1st started my blog I had no connections in the blogosphere. The were no "A" list blogger promoting it, no email list to announce it to & no JV partnership in place. In fact not even my Mom knew I started a blog. It was out there all alone. My 1st post received 8 comments and 70+ unique visitors in two days. 

Now, I'll admit those numbers didn't set the blog world on fire. But, I was thrilled with the results. Not to shabby for a new blog.

Are you wondering how I was able to get the results from my very first post? 

It's pretty simple really. In fact, it's something you or any blogger can copy. But here's the best part - it doesn't even have to be your 1st post. You can use this technique anytime with any post.

All I did was send a trackback to another blog that was already getting a lot of traffic. And because the subject of the my post was relevant to the person's blog; it got his attention. The next day he wrote a quick post telling his readers to go check out my blog. 

His post got the attention of another blogger who in turn wrote his own post about my blog. So, one trackback created 2 links back to my blog. Needless to say I was instantly hook on this form of traffic generation.

What are trackbacks and why are they so important to the success of any blog?

A trackback is when you link out to another blog post. But, before you publish you add a link to the blog post in the Trackback section of your edit box. The send trackback form is just below the edit form in your WordPress blog. This blog owner will get a notification of your post, and will be able to read an excerpt of your post.

This is a true win/win situation

The blog will get a notification about your link to them. The blog in question will get a link, helping their search engine ranking. Links play an important role in SEO. Your trackback will be added to the top of their comment section. And the trackback will have a link pointing back to your blog post.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to Zero To Hero step-by-step traffic generation ebook when you visit From Keith Goodrum - The Zero To Hero Blog Guy.

How to Earn Money Through Your Own Blog

Blogs, short for web logs, are often just regarded as online diaries or simply a venue where one can express opinions and thoughts about current events, the news and other happenings. But what many blog readers do not actually realize is that, as internet marketing methods and strategies develop with technology, blogs can actually be a way for blog writers to earn more money! How?

Several online companies are now offering advertising services as part of their long list of internet marketing methods. This means that certain product and company advertisements
which are related to your topics can be placed alongside or as banners to your articles. Once you have registered for these advertising services, you can then start earning for as long as readers click on the advertisements on your blog. The rates often vary but all the details will of course be revealed upon your registration to the service.

After you have started a blog, find a way to increase blog traffic or site traffic. This is usually done through search engine optimization or SEO. This means adding articles, certain keywords, videos or photos that will put your blog or your website on top of search engine results.

This means that more and more online users will be able to visit your blog or your website. Consequently, the chances of your online advertisements getting clicked are higher and the chances of you earning more dollars for every single time that these advertisements get traffic is of course higher as well.
Do you want to learn how I build a list and make money online? I've just finished writing a brand new FREE ebook called '7 Steps to Profits and List Building with Article Marketing'.

How to Write to a More Effective Blog

If you are building your home based business online chances are you already know the importance of blogging. Having a business blog can be one of the best things you can do for your business in order to attract people to you and gain more prospects.

Blogging also allows you to stay in touch and build a relationship with people already on your team that may be scattered around the country or the globe. If you're wanting to build an effective and popular blog you don't need much.

The first thing you'll need is a good domain name. I recommend using a domain name that is keyword optimized. So rather than perhaps go with something like or the possibilities are endless but just know that keywords are always best because they will automatically get your blog in the search engines faster.

However the real trick to building an effective blog doesn't lay in the domain name, or the layout (although obviously you don't want an ugly blog) but in the content aka the posts themselves.

So how do you write more effective blog posts that will not only captivate your current readers and keep them coming back but help you gain a bigger and bigger audience and at the same time raise your blog in the search engines?

Her are a few simple tips to help you write better content for your blog.

1. Keywords!

This can not be said enough. If you want to build a popular and effective blog you can't do it without the use of keywords. Take some time and do your keyword research because it will pay off big time if you do it right! Another good tip is to use keywords in the categories for your blog as well! Wherever you can fit in a keyword do it!

2. Get Original!

Nobody is going to come back an visit a boring blog. Make sure your content is original and exciting. The most effective blogs I've found will have a mix of helpful content and personal stories. You want your readers to know and trust you as a business person as well as care about you as an individual.

3. Use Pictures!

I can not stress enough how much adding pictures will add to your blog. Breaking up your text with pictures will make people want to read more and more and the more personal the pics can be the better. So if you're talking about your trip to Hawaii with the family don't just use a stock photo of Hawaii use one of you and your family! Another tip is to make sure and keyword optimize the titles of your pictures before you post them as well!

Those are just a few simple tips that will help your blog become more popular. Make sure you work on your blog at least a couple times a week and follow these tips and you'll be good to go!